Respect one another will endure and secure your relationship

Hello my beautiful viewers ! it's has been a while, i know, i always say the same sentence, haha my bad, i need to try something else next time.

The subject of this article is about a theme that is very common for this generation, which is RESPECT.

Nowadays, i notice that people dont respect each other, and they complain on non lasting relationships. Either it's with a partner, to become a future (husband/wife), or a lasting friendship or healthy lasting relationship with family. The usual argument they say is "because i love this person i don't need to show much respect.. we're cool"

Well, my friend, we notice that the common point on this 3 actors is LOVE, we as human beings search for a lasting relationship based on love (whether it's romance/frienship/family)

LOVE has a lot of meanings, but there's one meaning that is, what i noticed, is the most neglected, which is repect.

If you love someone, you need to show Respect to that person. there are many situations where i see  no respect even if they say that there's love. To me, that's not love, maybe it's just a temporary love, but that "love" will fade by the time.. sooner or later, the one who isnt respected will start getting tired of that.

Without any further a due here's the situations where neglecting RESPECT might lose the relationship :

1. Over protecting boy/girl friend

If the person, who isnt your parent, or your husband/wife, start asking you all the time, where you have been, and tells you who you should talk to, and where you should go, and generally asks you what to do in a overprotective way.. that is not love, that is called appropriation and selfishness. Dont say "oh because he/she loves me, that's why.." no that is wrong. Love is respecting your opinion, your vision, respecting you as a human being. not as a property giving you orders. i'm sorry, but That love wont last anyway, simply because it's not.

2. Calling or visiting a friend for a long time in an inappropriate time

Respect the person's life, before you visit or call your friend, ask for permission, don't say "he's my friend, i know he's up at this time, he's my friend we talk always much on the phone," maybe he stays up at night but his parents dont, maybe he got things to do at that time, and instead of doing it, because of you, now he'll be late depending on how much you stood with him.. so if you love your friend as you said, ask for permission, or maybe he's the kind of person that likes to have an alone time, it's called Respect, it's Love. The person will value you more after.

There's no shame at asking "Hey am i bothering you now,? , do you have 5 mins to talk, are you free this Afternoon??" Respect each other, your love will only grow and endure.

3. Bad mouthing your friend

Nowadays, i notice that people curse eachother in a daily basis, and they say "he's my friend, i love him, we talk like this normally" No ! All what your mouth should speak, is CONSTRUCTIVE WORDS, 
Bad mouthing a person is disrespectful, where's the love in that ??

Know that when you curse, you dont respect yourself first, then the person who you curse. At one point that friendship will end,

4. Your Father/Mother are your parents before they're your friend

This generation is lucky to have "cool parents", so the kids tend to be cool with them, and treating them as "friends" well, that's good, but still, they're your parents, you shouldnt forget that, you need to show respect to them, and do whatever they ask you to do without yelling, Remember, they are the one who spent there life to make you become who you are right now,                        An incredible person.

Let's show some respect to them, it will make them very happy, it'll make you very happy too.
That' s love.

Well, i hope that this will make you revalue your way to show love to your significant ones, because in this stressful life, we tend on neglecting a little bit this meaning of love. SO LETS SHOW SOME RESPECT. It'll only make us stronger.

Until Next time,


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