
Affichage des articles du mai, 2017

Respect one another will endure and secure your relationship

Hello my beautiful viewers ! it's has been a while, i know, i always say the same sentence, haha my bad, i need to try something else next time.                                                 The subject of this article is about a theme that is very common for this generation, which is RESPECT. Nowadays, i notice that people dont respect each other, and they complain on non lasting relationships. Either it's with a partner, to become a future (husband/wife), or a lasting friendship or healthy lasting relationship with family. The usual argument they say is "because i love this person i don't need to show much respect.. we're cool" Well, my friend, we notice that the common point on this 3 actors is LOVE, we as human beings search for a lasting relationship based on love (whether it's romance/frienship/family) LOVE has a lot of meanings, but there's one meaning that is, what i noticed, is the most neglected, which is repect. If you lov